
is a PseudoNymh of Journey[hu]man composer Cory f Mahler; an outlet of Musical Storytelling Explorations, therapeutic transmutation, channeling internal elements {subconscious experiences, distortions & ‘demons’, etc.} into musical form as an experimental method of self healing.
Their music has been shared as an ongoing learning process of a healing process, reality’s layered nature of paradigm possibility, with room for spontaneous creation as life brings inspiration through ~ It is believed our constructive revolution requires initial steps of healing our paradigms & perspective in order to find clarity for evolutionary growth. “Blue Skadoo, you can too?”


About Cory F. Mahler

Being a public website on the internet, I’ll share what’s appropriate.


I was born & initially raised in a couple towns above & below ‘Happy Valley’, Utah.

At the dawning phases of high school, I moved up to Washington State where I have since lived in a handful of different towns with the exception of starting college at Snow College hidden in the hills of Ephraim, Utah. It was there that I have the most musical training, particularly of music theory & ear training, which were excellent challenges for me as a musician & composer type of person. I was only there for the 1st year, then I came back up to the PNW.

in 2015, I started to join up with musicians in olympia, WA, where I got the most exposure to a variety of shows in bars, venues & houses. I played a few shows before, but this was an important ‘next step’ for me. Couldn’t tell you how many shows I went to, even just to listen.

As a bass player, I spread myself thin, working a full time computer repair job & somehow playing is 3-5 band formations at the same time. simply put, I found my thresholds of burnout, & eventually dwindled into fewer projects at a time.

History of bands I played in:

  • Eyewitness Testimony
  • Made by Machines
  • The Fruity Rebels
  • Geography
  • The Purple Shadows
  • Spooky Wooky String Band
  • MIR
  • David Hoogkamer
  • * A couple short-lived unnamed groups of timeless quality jams *
  • SlugCzar
  • Waking Bear
  • Fire Academy
  • Kick Fu Squad
  • * occasional jazz gigs *
  • The Loose Floorboards
  • Sway Cool

Flalaski has always been my ‘main’ project, being my personal outlet.

at some point, I would like to formulate into a full performing band, but in the meantime I am happy to create my music for the sake of creating my music.