
Human 3/5 G INFP-T
Music Maker, Artist, Tech & Spiritual Seeker
LightSight Reshade – Elite Dangerous

Cory F. Mahler


Dec 21, 2024
LightSight Reshade – Elite Dangerous
Over the past half dozen years, I have refined a general uniform solution based on Reshade for both video players and games. It utilizes & embraces the pixels of whatever resolution is being used, and is made to represent the original content faithfully in both color tone & light dynamics. in cases of video, I find it restores the sense of depth captured by film.  Even when videos or games are paused, the nature of Lightsight continues to ‘live’ in subtle noise, making the scenes feel more true to the nature of light. This of course can vary based on the content itself (cartoons still looks like cartoons, stylized graphics are still stylized) Lightsight itself is pretty much a stylized preset in of itself.
The other advantage to LightSight is the uniform quality with good performance. With LightSight in place, certain graphical settings don’t need to be set as high as possible in order to get good results. Some games, even at max settings have quirks in rendering that make it feel like a view-port of 3d assets, less than an immersive experience. Lightsight transforms that, & not only ‘masks’ certain artifacts, but also with the pixels being embraced rather than smeared away, the process is compatible even in lower resolutions. I will post a series of posts sharing examples of Lightsight, & may share presets as well for some games.

Elite Dangerous in Lightsight

These are in the order of Original, then Lightsight.

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Oct 20, 2024
LightSight – Utilizing every pixel

Over the past several years, I’ve dabbled & tweaked my own Reshade configuration over videos & games. I’ve come to a point where it restores the depth of light & shadow, and utilized noise & dithering to make every pixel count. It’s an approach of taking in light as the super-positional points of reflection how it works in real life with real eyes. It’s an approach at ‘hiding’ compression artifacts, while pulling forward details that are lost or subtle otherwise. it looks particularly good on stuff filmed on real film. Here are some examples:

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